Cosa visitare a Roma 3 giorni

Informazioni per una gita di 3 giorni nella città di Roma, per una vacanza in una delle città più belle  cosa visitare a Roma con la sua lunga storia, nel corso dei secoli che ha creato una successione di eventi infiniti che hanno donato un volto straordinario e piacevole. Roma nei 3 giorni tra venerdì, sabato e domenica passeggiando attraverso l'architettura barocca, l'arte classica, i numerosi monumenti , le belle strade di Roma numerose fontane. Le meraviglie della città di Roma capitale d'Italia situata nel centro della penisola italiana: descrizioni utili sul Colosseo, il Pantheon, le Terme di Caracall Domus Aurea, San Pietro, Piazza Navona. Roma con il suo aspetto attuale dovuto principalmente al desiderio dei papi di lasciare un segno indelebile del proprio papato, soprattutto nell'epoca rinascimentale e barocca hanno fatto erigere dai migliori artisti del tempo, chiese e palazzi magnifici arricchiti da parchi e fontane meravigliose, tra tutte bellez...

Information for a trip of 3 days in the city of Rome

What visit for a trip of 3 days in the city of Rome, for a holiday in one of the most beautiful cities in what to do in Rome with its long history, over the centuries has created an endless succession of events has donated a remarkable face and pleasant.

 We have already seen beautiful cities like Venice but Rome the capital of Italy.

 beautiful cities like Venice

Rome in 3 days between Friday, Saturday and Sunday, strolling through its Baroque architecture, classical art, numerous monuments, beautiful streets of Rome many fountains.

The marvels of Rome, capital of Italy located in the Centre of the Italian peninsula: helpful descriptions of the Colosseum, the Pantheon, the baths of Caracall Domus Aurea, St. Peter, Piazza Navona.

Rome with its current appearance mainly due to the desire of the Popes to leave an indelible sign of his papacy, especially in the Renaissance and Baroque era were built by the best artists of the time, churches and magnificent palaces decorated with parks and fountains, among all the beauties of St Peter's Basilica is the most admired.

We begin our tour itinerary to visit Rome for 3 days with Piazza Venezia, some say it is the center of Rome, it sure is one of the squares of the eternal city. On all stands the monument to the unknown soldier the Victorian with its white marble Botticino.

The Colosseum also known as the Flavian Amphitheatre is the largest amphitheatre in the world, many were the spectators who could hold is still today the largest monument of ancient Rome that has come down to us.
Information for a trip of 3 days in the city of Rome

It is known worldwide as a symbol of the city of Rome. The Colosseum was built on a site just east of the Roman Forum, its construction started in the age of Empire of Vespasian in 72 ad and was completed and inaugurated by Titus in a.d. 80 with additional changes made during the reign of Domitian.

Rome and its millennial history, charm of the capital of Italy. A city that offers solutions to suit all tastes and emotions difficult to forget. The advantage of our selection of restaurants to choose the most suitable to your needs, maybe with a view of the Colosseum!

The Arch of Constantine, considered one of the most important monuments in the city of Rome, built in honour of the victory of Constantine against Maxentius, is visited by many tur come from all over the world.

Information for a trip of 3 days in the city of Rome

Let's go on with our tour itinerary on what to see and do in Rome for 3 days and we talk about the Pantheon: A beautiful building of ancient Rome built as a temple dedicated to the ancient gods of Olympus.

It was rebuilt by the emperor Hadrian between 118 and 128 ad after the fire in 80 a.d. The height of the building is equal to its diameter at the beginning of the 7th century, the Pantheon has been transformed into a Christian basilica called Santa Maria dei Martiri, which allowed him to survive nearly intact plundered made to buildings of classical Rome.

Within its walls are the remains of several Italian Kings of the past. Some photographs of the Pantheon in Rome. Campo de Fiori not far from the Pantheon are on the opposite side of Corso Vittorio Emanuele, Campo de ' Fiori.

The baths of Caracalla or Antonianae are one of the greatest examples of Imperial Baths in Rome, being still preserved for much of their structure. Were made cost by the Emperor Caracalla on the Aventine hill, between 212 and 216 in the Gregorian calendar, as evidenced by brick stamps, in an area near the Circus Maximus.

These baths were the most sumptuous of the capital of the Empire, even if intended for use in the mass of the population, while classes in high places they used to frequent the baths of Agrippa, in particular those of Nero or Trajan on the Esquiline Hill .

The baths of Caracalla were superior in size only by those of Diocletian, while remaining the most intact example of the great imperial baths, free from deturpamenti of later ages.

Mouth of truth Teatro Marcello and Circus Maximus if you do visit to Rome in between Saturday and Sunday, or a holiday, you cannot go away from this wonderful city without having seen the Mouth of Ve Teatro Marcello and the Circus Maximus 3 symbols of ancient Rome.

The first port of Rome started right near the place where is the Bocca della verità, an old marble mask, located in the wall of the ch Santa Maria in Cosmedin in Rome. The theatre of Marcellus originated by Julius Caesar, but was later taken over by Augusto Imperatore.

The Circus Maximus is an ancient Roman circus, dedicated to horse racing, built in Rome. Located in the Valley between the Palatine and the Aventine.

Rome offers a list of museums, archaeological sites, art, very wide.

Best thing is to wander, wander around the narrow streets of the eternal city. This is how you can discover the particular place, get to know the locals and then enjoy an unforgettable stay. Areas like the seven hills of Rome, such as: the Aventino, Campidoglio, Celio, Esquilino, the Palatine Hill, the Quirinal and the Victorian to mention the Gianicolo.

All these places have something to offer the tourist. Visit San Pietro must see if you are in Rome for a day trip to 2-3 days, wonderful is the square, the dome and the interiors of the Vatican museums with inside the chapel S to do a visit to St Peter's old quarter with its narrow streets features.

Information for a trip of 3 days in the city of Rome

Photographs for a trip of 3 days in Rome, photographs for a trip of 3 days in Rome some photos to see the various monuments in Rome.

Information for a trip of 3 days in the city of Rome from above with a drone

One of the most important squares to visit in Rome's Piazza Navona is located close to the Pantheon, also famous for the celebration of the Epiphany with markets festively decorated with rides, and puppets and many sweets a wonderful square that will serve as an outline for the your itinerary of 2 or 3 days in Rome.


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